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Tatiana Stanovaya

Founder and Head of R.Politik

Tatiana Stanovaya is the founder and head of R.Politik. An expert on Russian politics, she has worked for leading Moscow-based think tanks, writes regularly for international media and is regularly quoted by journalists around the world.

Her domestic policy expertise includes the Russian elite, the interaction between business and government, economic regulation, the lobbying industry, and decision-making processes at all levels. She also looks at Russian foreign policy, in particular the energy ties between former Soviet states and Western Europe, and the U.S.-Russia relationship.

Born in Moscow in 1978, Tatiana began doing political analysis work at university. In 1998, she was hired by steelmaker Severstal as an analyst, and then went on to join PR agency Tels-Media, which worked closely with Severstal. In 2003, she moved to the Centre for Political Technologies, one of Russia’s oldest and most respected think tanks, and was soon appointed to lead their analytical department. In this role, she liaised with foreign diplomats and senior Russian officials in the Presidential Administration, the government and at a regional level. She also worked with major business clients including Novatek, Sberbank and Avtovaz. During this time, she received her MA in public administration from Moscow State University. Since 2010, Tatiana has been living in France, where she continued her work for the Centre for Political Technologies. In March 2018, she set-up R.Politik, and, in June 2019, she joined Moscow Carnegie Center as a nonresident scholar.

Tatiana has been quoted in most major Russian news outlets and many leading media international outlets, including The Washington Post, The Guardian, NPR, Le Figaro, The Wall Street Journal, AFP, Reuters, and Foreign Policy.

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