How can France become a leader in innovation?
Europe must act quickly to ensure its economic security in the face of current threats. The European Commission has proposed defensive measures, but debates persist about the best approach. How can Europe effectively coordinate its actions to guarantee its economic security, and what role does international cooperation play in this strategy?
At a time when the major powers are adopting the language of economic security, this note identifies five major strategic issues that deserve to be placed at the heart of the debate.
To be heard on the international stage, Europe needs to have a leading role in space.
Nine recommendations to facilitate the deployment of solar energy on the african continent.
Between privacy, efficiency and public interest, how do Europe, China and India reconcile priorities?
With the imminent expiry of the Cotonou Agreement, the question of relations between the European Union and Africa is raised. It is now time to put the partnership with the African continent back at the center of the European agenda.
What choices for 5G infrastructure in Europe? The Huawei case has taken on a controversial dimension that reveals crucial strategic issues for Europe between China and the United States.
5G in Europe, a sovereignty issue in a market dominated by China and the United States.
In an atmosphere of mistrust, inaccurate and fake news, how is the media ecosystem evolving in France?
The conclusions of our Barometer sketch a portrait of the French people of today, and signal an original paradox: they share a widespread feeling of private happiness, but the latter is struck by a sense of inequality and injustice.
In a changing, volatile and risky world, UK and France need to cooperate more closely than ever before.
Migration issues are tensioning political discussions and visions of Europe more than ever before. The European right to asylum is in danger.
"The Islamist ideology generates fear. But we should be driven by reason rather than fear. It is by understanding the machinery of the Islamist engine that we will be able to respond to the challenge before us." Hakim El Karoui
From videoconferences to artificial intelligence, from predictive justice to blockchain, the ability of digital technology to transform the public service of justice is significant.
We must put an end to perceived ideas on energy: our policy in this sector and our actions for climate should be based on objective assessments