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Emma Ros

Former Policy Officer - Healthcare Policy Program

Emma Ros was Policy Officer at Institut Montaigne’s Healthcare Policy program between September 2021 and July 2024. In this capacity, she participates in the studies of the Program on the themes of digital, therapeutic and organizational innovation of the healthcare system as well as in the pilot experiment in the department of Yvelines, aimed at improving, in general medicine, the identification and management of frequent psychiatric disorders.

She worked for one year in this program in 2018 as a project manager where she participated in the realization of the book Psychiatrie : l’état d’urgence (Fayard, 2018) as well as in the organization of the workshops "Parlons Psy".

Before joining Institut Montaigne, Emma was a public health consultant where she helped actors of the ecosystem (health institutions, medico-social structures, ARS, Agence du numérique en santé, etc.) in their organizational strategy.

Emma is a graduate of Sciences Po Paris and the London School of Economics. During her studies, she carried out a consultancy mission for NHS Improvement in order to evaluate the level of digitalization of British hospitals. She did part of her studies in Argentina.

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