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Benoît de Tréglodé

Director of Africa-Asia-Middle East research Department at IRSEM

Benoît de Tréglodé is the Director of Africa-Asia-Middle East research Department at the Institute for Strategic Research of France’s École Militaire (IRSEM). He holds a doctorate in History and Civilization of Asia (EHESS, Paris), is a Research Supervisor (HDR at INALCO in 2015), and former director of the Research Institute on Contemporary South-East Asia (IRASEC) in Bangkok from 2008 to 2012. His publications include Heroes and Revolution in Vietnam (National University of Singapore Press, 2012, and in French in 2013 at the Indes Savantes publishing house); History of Vietnam from Colonization To The Present Day (Editions de La Sorbonne, 2018), Seas of Southeast Asia. Cooperation, Integration and Security (co-edited with Nathalie Fau, CNRS Editions, 2018). He has also coordinated two issues of the French Geography and Geopolitics Review Hérodote, Les enjeux géopolitiques du Viêt Nam (The geopolitical stakes of Vietnam) (2nd quarter 2015), and L'Asie du Sud-Est (South-East Asia) (1st quarter of 2020).

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