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Press Release Paris, March 31st 2022
To read the full analysis, click here.

Good morning, 

as soon as the war in Ukraine broke out, one exigent question emerged:  will China take Russia’s side and support it at all costs? 

To answer this question, Institut Montaigne publishes today a special edition of China Trends, titled Ukraine: China’s “Rock-Solid” Pro-Russia Narrative. It provides an overview of the discussion about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine inside China. At the same time, it also highlights some of the nuances and reservations towards Russia. However, these pronouncements do not change the big picture of a very pro-Russian stance. Can China’s future foreign policy choices diverge from these views? China is still hedging and plays a long game. And, Europe, where the struggle is taking place, is seen as a loser.

“China clings to ambiguity.This is a holding position designed to avoid being harmed by any outcome in Ukraine. We should judge China by its deeds, rather than by its words. ” - explains François Godement and Viviana Zhu, authors of this issue.

To read the full analysis, click on this link.

China Trends is the quarterly publication of Institut Montaigne’s Asia Program that seeks a better understanding of the country thanks to a unique reality check based on original Chinese language sources. 

Wishing you a stimulating read, we do hope this issue of China Trends will provide useful insights for your work. We would be happy to organize an interview with one of the authors if you wish.

Best regards, 



To read the full analysis, click here.
À propos de l’Institut Montaigne |

Think tank indépendant créé en 2000, l’Institut Montaigne est une plateforme de réflexion, de propositions et d’expérimentations consacrée aux politiques publiques en France et en Europe. Ses travaux sont le fruit d'une méthode d'analyse et de recherche rigoureuse et critique, ouverte sur les comparaisons internationales. L’Institut Montaigne, association à but non lucratif pionnière en France, réunit des chefs d'entreprise, des hauts fonctionnaires, des universitaires et des personnalités issues d’horizons divers. Ses financements sont exclusivement privés, aucune contribution n'excédant 1,5 % d'un budget annuel de 6,5 millions d'euros. À travers ses publications et les événements qu’il organise, l'Institut Montaigne souhaite jouer pleinement son rôle d'acteur du débat démocratique.

Emma Bossuat
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